What is this psychoanalytic therapy thing?
See my previous post that describes what brings most people into therapy, “the problem”.
One of the ways we have for helping you create solutions that actually solve for your underlying emotional stress is through psychoanalytic therapy. In many ways this looks like regular therapy (attachment based, relational, emotion and neuroscience informed, etc.) but the main difference is being able to mine the therapy relationship. See, most therapies focus on what you experience with yourself and with others. This is helpful but often a step removed (since others are not in the room during therapy). Because the therapist is a human and you are in a human relationship with them (albeit a professional one) it is possible that you might start to experience some of your automatic solutions that don’t actually solve in reaction to the therapist. When that happens the therapist and you can recognize what’s happening (i.e. interrupt the automatic) and begin to understand how that came about (both of you can explore how you each contributed to the moment) and work to identify what is really being felt and needed. This is called working with transference. Doing this provides opportunity for your brain to rewire.