Psychodynamic Counseling

The root word in psychotherapy is the ancient Greek word, psyche, which means “soul, breathe or spirit”. Today we might say “mind” instead of psyche. However, here at Analog, we feel that the word “mind” can feel a little cold and lifeless. We like the ideas of walking alongside you and helping you reclaim your soul, breathe and spirit again. We recognize this way of therapy go against the “on demand-ness” of our culture. However, we believe in this, we go to our own therapy as practitioners and we think there is something beautiful that comes from this deep way of being together that makes it worth it. Traditionally, psychotherapy is usually one to two times a week and psychoanalysis is three to five times a week. They are a similar process. The difference is in how often you come to therapy. When you come more often there is a greater intensity and this can help things to go faster.

Here's what you can expect from our therapy sessions:

  • Getting to Know You

    • Initial Conversations: We start by getting to know you—understanding what brings you here and what you're hoping to achieve.

    • Setting Goals: Together, we'll set goals to guide our journey, focusing on what's important to you.

    Understanding Your Experience

    • Exploring Your World: We delve into your experiences and emotions, connecting them with your current situation to uncover deeper insights.

    • Background Insights: Learning about your past helps us understand present challenges, recognizing patterns that may no longer serve you well.

    Deepening Our Work Together

    • Exploring Relationships: Sometimes, the dynamics in our sessions reflect broader patterns in your life. Exploring these moments can unlock powerful insights and lead to significant change.

    • Collaborative Exploration: Our exploration is a joint effort, where both of us contribute to understanding and addressing your needs without judgment.

    Embracing Your Emotions

    • Facing Feelings: We encourage you to gently acknowledge and engage with feelings you might usually avoid, in a safe and supportive environment.

    • Making Meaning: Together, we'll find meaning in your emotions, memories, and dreams, fostering personal growth and self-awareness.

    Nurturing Growth

    • Supporting You: We're here to validate and support your evolving feelings and desires, helping you regain confidence in expressing yourself and making decisions.

Our therapy process is not a straight line; it's a journey with twists and turns, reflective of life's complexity. Through this personalized, caring approach, our hope is for you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, leading to a more fulfilling and empowered life. Remember, while perfection is not the goal, feeling better and gaining control over your life is within reach.

somatic experiencing®

Understanding Somatic Experiencing®

Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) is a gentle, body-focused approach designed to help you overcome the effects of stress, shock, and trauma. Imagine your body like a container for all your life experiences, including those moments when you've felt stuck in a state of high alert, ready to fight, flee, or freeze. SE is here to help you release these tensions, find recovery, and build resilience for life's challenges.

Who It Helps

This method is versatile and beneficial across various fields such as psychotherapy, medicine, coaching, education, and physical therapy. It's a holistic approach grounded in over forty years of practice and research, incorporating insights from physiology, psychology, biology, neuroscience, and traditional healing practices.

The Science Behind It

Trauma can stem from intense stress, whether from a single event or built up over time. It can disrupt our ability to live with ease and resilience. This includes experiencing overwhelming situations like accidents, surgeries, abuse, conflicts, or natural disasters. Somatic Experiencing® addresses these issues by focusing on the body's response to such stress.

How It Works

SE™ helps you complete natural self-protective responses that got stuck in your body during traumatic events. It gently guides you to become more comfortable with difficult sensations and emotions, enabling the release of energy trapped in your body. This process helps turn off the "alarm" signaling danger to your body, restoring a sense of calm and balance.

Dr. Peter A. Levine, the creator of SE, was inspired by how animals in the wild recover from life-threatening situations without lingering trauma. He noticed that animals naturally "shake off" the excess energy from their freeze response. SE applies this understanding to help humans release and move through stuck energy, aiding in trauma recovery through a "body first" healing approach.

By focusing on bodily sensations rather than solely on thoughts and memories, Somatic Experiencing® offers a unique and effective path to address and heal from trauma, aiming to restore your sense of well-being and connection to life.

Enneagram coaching

What is coaching?

Coaching represents a transformative partnership, a dedicated alliance between you and Jim, where your collective aim is to identify, clarify, and achieve deeply meaningful objectives in your life. This collaboration is especially potent for individuals who find themselves at a crossroads, whether they're grappling with feelings of being "stuck," navigating the complex waters of life transitions, or in pursuit of new ambitions, habits, or ventures. Coaching sessions are crafted to be a creative and insightful journey, utilizing a blend of attentive listening, thought-provoking questions, and reflections on your unique patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. This process is designed not only to guide you towards your goals but to also foster a deeper understanding of yourself along the way.

Enneagram Coaching

The use of Enneagram insights enriches this coaching experience by offering a mirror to your soul, revealing your intrinsic strengths and pinpointing the challenges that hold you back. Understanding your Enneagram type, subtype and intelligence center serves as a compass, guiding our sessions towards uncovering the most effective and fulfilling paths for your personal and professional growth. This introspective tool aids in crafting a coaching strategy that is as unique as you are, ensuring that your journey of self-discovery is both authentic and aligned with your deepest values and aspirations.

Whether your focus is on personal development, professional advancement, or strengthening relationships, coaching provides a supportive and structured space to catalyze significant progress. It's a pathway not just to achieving specific milestones but also to unveiling a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction in various facets of your life. By embarking on this coaching journey, you're not only committing to reaching your goals but also to transforming your approach to challenges, enhancing your resilience, and enriching your overall sense of well-being and fulfillment.

Email to schedule with Jim today.