We want change and Don't want change at the same time

Many want to use left brained strategies and mechanisms to try to solve for right brained problems. We have issues with feelings, regulation, judgment, hate, stress, concentration, hopelessness, etc. and we want to be able to think about those feelings/body-based phenomenon without having to feel them. Though thinking is less vulnerable feeling than feeling emotions is it is also like trying to move a large pile of dirt with a teaspoon. It’s also kind of like trying to scratch the itch on your arm by blowing on it. By staying with left brain only strategies we reveal how we want change and we don't want change at the same time. Part of the issue is that we can feel like we don’t know how to feel our feelings and move through things towards change without becoming overwhelmed and shutting down or blowing up or feeling dysregulated, totally not ourselves, depressed or toxically ashamed, etc. That is not your fault!! We need more specific help in therapy for how to engage our right brain and body in ways that are sustainable for our nervous system. I have found that Somatic Experiencing is a real gem when it comes to providing some of these important steps with dignity. With it’s emphasis on expanding out from just talking to tracking and expressing sensations, images/memories, behavior and movement, affect and emotions and meaning (SIBAM), and doing so in a bit by bit kind of way that aids the nervous system in recovering and strengthening, Somatic Experiencing offers something incredibly simple and incredibly powerful!


Somatic Experiencing: SIBAM


Insight is not the end, it's the beginning.