Insight is not the end, it's the beginning.

Insight is not the end of the journey, it's the beginning. We have a current focus in our culture of defining ourselves. In our search for authenticity we can often allow ourselves to be labeled and then limited by the insights we discover. Whether it's the Strengths Finder, MBI, Enneagram, a book that's resonated, etc. the insights you discover about how you've been wired are invaluable! But don't mistake them for how you have to be. Don't get me wrong, understanding and acceptance of yourself as you are is hugely positive but not because it's the destination but because it starts the journey. Understanding and acceptance allows you to become present which is what is required to access yourself beyond what's been patterned inside. Some might say this is the beginning of true spirituality. So, even though the amount of change or growth possible is contextual and it might require some help/education you have the ability to grow, even starting today, all humans do.


We want change and Don't want change at the same time


Counter-Transference In The Work Place